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GORDON, John 4th of Craig
(About 1560-About 1634)
(About 1570-)
GORDON, William 5th of Kennerty, Baron of Brackley
(About 1570-Before 1628)
(About 1584-)
GORDON, Patrick of Fulzemont
(About 1595-)
GORDON, Elizabeth
(About 1604-)
GORDON, Alexander of Kincraigie
(About 1620-Before 1703)


Family Links

1. GORDON, Marjorie

GORDON, Alexander of Kincraigie

  • Born: About 1620
  • Marriage (1): GORDON, Marjorie 1 2
  • Died: Before 20 February 1703 2

   Another name for Alexander was GORDON, Alexr of Kincraigy.2

   User ID: K462.

  General Notes:

"1643, February 28.-'Johne and George Gordounes, sones lawfull to Hew Gordoun at the Mylne of Smithstoune,' obtained decreet against George Gordon of Newton for the 400 merks with expenses. The brothers assigned the bond and decreet to Alexander Gordon of Kincraigie; assignation signed at Cults, April 1, 1643, before Thomas Gordon, brother german to the said John and George, and Thomas Gordon, brother german to Patrick Gordoun in Gartly. Alexander Gordon of Kincraigie assigned the bond and decreet to Patrick Gordoun of Kirkhill; assignation signed at Auchtercoull, April 17, 1654; in it the brothers are called John and George Gordon, 'sones to vmq Hew G. at the miln of Smithstoun '. Patrick Gordon of Kirkhill assigned the bond and decreet to Robert Forbes, tutor of Craigievar, at Aberdeen, May 13, 1655. (Original in the possession of Mr. A. M. Gordon of Newton.)'

from Newton

"In the time of John Leslie, twelfth Baron of Balquhain (ie between circa 1620 and 1655), Alexander Gordon of Kincraigie had the lands of Syde, with the mill, the Peil, the customs of St. Kule's fair, the alehouse-croft of Syde, Arnbrig, Erllisfeild, Seggydene, Kirkhill, and Mostown, adjudged to him from the heirs of Balquhain on the following grounds :

By a contract, dated 15th May 1608, John Leslie, fiar, afterwards eleventh Baron of Balquhain, ratified an alienation of the said lands made by his father, John Leslie, tenth Baron, to Sir Thomas Gordon of Cluny, which contract was registered in the books of Council 13th December 1613. Sir Alexander Gordon of Cluny got an inhibition against John Leslie, tenth Baron, and his son, John Leslie, fiar of Balquhain, proceeding on the foresaid contract, and execution was registered at Aberdeen 16th September 1616. He assigned to John Leith of Bucharn all the claims, rights, and titles, competent to him by the said inhibition, 11th February 1638; and John Leith of Bucharn afterwards transferred all his rights to the said lands to Alexander Gordon of Kincraigie, who had them adjudged to him 24th December 1649, so that these lands were lost to the Balquhain family."

from Family of Leslie 3 4

Alexander married Marjorie GORDON, daughter of William GORDON 3rd of Terpersie and Margaret GORDON.1 2 (Marjorie GORDON was born about 1620.)

  Marriage Notes:

"In a somewhat obscure birthbrieve, dated February, 1703, relative to the descent of the two sons of Patrick Gordon of Harlaw, son of an Alexander Gordon of Kincraigie, the latter is said to have married Marjorie Gordon, daughter of William Gordon of Terpersie by his 'wife' Margaret Gordon of Auchannachy. If for 'Auchannachy' we read Auchanacie, the reference is clear enough, for the Leichestoun Gordons were connected with Auchynachie"

from Terpersie

"Att Aberdeen, the twenty daye of February, one thousand seven hundereth and three years, in presence of John Gordon, one of the baillies of Aberdeen, compeared, Patrick Gordon of Harlaw. The said day, Adam Gordon of Inverebrie, William Gordon of Kirkhill, John Gordon, and John Forbes, burgessis of the said burgh, compeared judicially, and deponed and declared that Alexr Gordon, merchant in Presneits, in Polland, and James Gordon, his brother, merchant in Culma, in Spruse, viz., Alexr, who went from this to Dantzick in the moneth of May, 1688, and the said James, in anno 1692, are lawfull sones to Patrick Gordon of Harlaw, procreat betwixt him and Rachell Lesly, his spous; and that the said Patrick Gordon is lawfull son to the deceast Alexr Gordon of Kincraigy, procreat betwixt him and umquhill Marjorie Gordon, his spous; and that the said deceast Alexr Gordon wes lawfull son to the deceast Patrick Gordon of Craig (descended of the Earle of Sutherland) procreat betwixt him and Elizabeth Gordon, his spous, daughter of the deceast William Gordon of Braichly; and that the said Marjorie Gordon wes lawfull daughter to the deceast William Gordon of Terpersie, (descended of the Duke of Gordon) procreat betwixt him and umquhill Margaret Gordon, his spous, daughter to Alexr Gordon of Achanachy; and that the said Rachell Lesly is lawfull daughter of the deceast William Lesly, merchant in Aberdeen, procreat betwixt him and Isobell Burnet, his spous; and that the said William Lesly wes lawfull son of the deceast William Lesly, son to Alexr Lesly of Balquhyne, procreat betwixt him and Jean Mortimer, his spous, daughter to Rodger Mortimer of Craigievar; and that the said Isobell Burnet is lawfull daughter to the deceast Thomas Burnet of Campbell, (descended of the family of Leyes) procreat betwixt him and Margaret Keith, his spous, (descended of the Earle Marischall). "

from Birth Brieves 1 2


1 e-books, The House of Gordon vol. 2 ed. John Malcolm Bulloch (1907) Cadets of Lesmoir: Terpersie by D. Wimberley assisted by J.M. Bulloch.

2 e-books, The Miscellany of The Spalding Club vol.5 (1852).

3 e-books, The House of Gordon vol. 2 ed. John Malcolm Bulloch (1907) Cadets of Lesmoir: Newton by J.M. Bulloch assisted by D. Wimberley.

4 e-books, Historical Records of the Family of Leslie 1067-1869 vol. 3 by Col. Leslie of Balquhain (1869).

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