MITCHELL, Thomas of Gask, Minister of Udny, Logie-Buchan, & Turriff, Reverend Mr
(About 1680-1649) |
MITCHELL, Thomas of Gask, Minister of Udny, Logie-Buchan, & Turriff, Reverend Mr
General Notes: "THOMAS MITCHELL of Mains of Gask, a relative of Bishop Patrick Forbes of Aberdeen; adm. to Udny 25th April 1604; trans, to Logie-Buchan before 1st Feb. 1622; trans, and adm. in 1624; became a zealous Covenanter; was a member of the General Assembly in 1638 and 1639, and of the Commission in 1645; preached before Charles I. 3rd Oct. 1641; was robbed of his goods and gear by the followers of George, Marquess of Huntly, for which he had a Royal grant 8th Nov. of the 'fermes, kaynes, customes, silver - dewties, and otheris dewties of the Bisoprick of Rosse for the croptes and yeeres, 1638-41, restand unpayit by the vassellis and uthers,' which was ratified by Parliament 17th Nov. that year. He was accused of immorality, but was absolved by the Synod 19th Oct. 1642. In 1644 he was plundered of his horse by the adherents of the Marquess of Montrose, and had 400 merks granted by Parliament, 4th Feb. 1646, out of the rents of Haddo, and 1000 merks further for his subsistence and entertainment out of the readiest moneys and rents of delinquents and malignants lands in the North. He died 23rd July 1649. He marr. Barbara Meldrum, who died 26th Dec. 1659, and had issue Arthur, his successor in the parish; Isobell (marr. Walter Stewart of Ryland), died 8th Feb. 1672 ; Marie (marr. John Jaffrey, min. of Monquhitter). Publications Elegies LX., LXIII. (Forbes's Funeral Sermons). [Acts of Parl., vi., pt. i., 23 et seq.; Spalding's Miscell, iii., 117, 139; Tombst.; Banff Sas., v., 159; Baillie's Letters; Balfour's Historical Works, iii., 89.]" Thomas married Barbara MELDRUM. (Barbara MELDRUM was born about 1690 and died on 26 December 1659.) |
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