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MUIRHEAD, James 5th of Lauchope
(About 1490-)
BAILLIE, Alexander of Carfin
(About 1468-)
MUIRHEAD, James 6th of Lauchope
(About 1510-)
(About 1507-)
(About 1545-)


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MUIRHEAD, William 1

  • Born: About 1545

   User ID: Z781.

  General Notes:

""The eldest son of James and Jean (Fleming) Muirhead, James Muirhead (6th) of Lauchope was born circa 1510; he married Janet Baillie, the daughter of Alexander Baillie of Carfine. They gave birth to a son named William and one named James the Younger; and to at least one daughter named Christian (variously Cristine). It is also possible that they were the parents of two additional children: Margaret and Claud."

" One of the Protestant plots against Mary, Queen of Scots, was led by the Earl of Arran. Apparently, James Muirhead of Lauchope supported the Earl of Arran in his plot against Mary, because when, on 02 January, 1565 an act of remission (i.e. a pardon or forgiveness) was granted to the Earl of Arran and his followers, James Muirhead of Lauchope and his brothers, William and Thomas were included in the list of those followers"

"On 26 May, 1579 James Muirhead of Lauchope again found himself on the wrong side of the law when a proclamation was issued against him because he would not regard a summons. Issued from Stirling Castle, the proclamation stated that James Muirhead of Lachop was 'to be put to the horn' (i.e. to be denounced as a rebel or outlaw) for failing to appear before the Privy Council. Soon thereafter, a warrant was issued for the arrest of James' brother, William Muirhead, as was recorded in the Register of the Privy Council:

'Caution for Hew Kennedy of Barquhany to deliver William Muirhead, brother of James Muirhead of Lachop to the Captain of Edinburgh Caフle on the 21st inフant, under pain of 」500.' "

"On 11 November, 1579, the Parliament passed an act of 'forfaulture' (i.e. forfeiture) against Lord John Hamilton, Lord Claud Hamilton, James Muirhead of Lauchope, William Muirhead (James' brother) and others who had associated with them. The act was issued:

'tuieching the diドerreピing of the poフertie of thame that are convict of the murtheris of the King our Soverane Lordis deareフ father and the tua Regentis.' "

from Mother Bedford website 1


1 Internet Site, https://www.motherbedford.com/Muirhead109.htm James Muirhead of Lauchope.

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