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(About 1750-)


Family Links

1. McGOLDREN, Mary

CAMPBELL, Daniel 1

  • Born: About 1750
  • Marriage (1): McGOLDREN, Mary

  General Notes:

In the 1862 death certificate of Patrick, his son, Daniel Campbell was recorded as deceased and as having been a blacksmith. 2

  Research Notes:



In the Census of the Parish of Dungannon 1766 one man is listed as Campbell:

"Francis CAMPBELL P"

and three men are listed with a similar surname:

Phelimy McCAMPBELL C "

"P" indicates Protestant ie Church of Ireland
"C" indicates Catholic.


In the Tithe Applotment lists for County Tyrone, there are entries for Campbells in Creenagh in Tullyniskan parish:

"Campbell, Mary County : Tyrone
Parish : Tullyniskan
Townland : Creenagh
Year : 1826"

"Campbell, Michl. County : Tyrone
Parish : Tullyniskan
Townland : Creenagh
Year : 1826"

"Campbell, Patt. County : Tyrone
Parish : Tullyniskan
Townland : Creenagh
Year : 1826"

"Campbell, Thomas County : Tyrone
Parish : Tullyniskan
Townland : Creenagh
Year : 1826"

"Campbell, Widow ??? County : Tyrone
Parish : Tullyniskan
Townland : Creenagh
Year : 1826"

It is known that Daniel's granddaughter Margaret, daughter of Patrick, married Francis Rourke and the address on the baptism records for some of their children is recorded as Creenagh, so these Campbells may be related to this family.


"Blacksmiths make and repair tools and implements from iron and steel. The fact that blacksmiths were among the most numerous craftsmen in a community shows their importance. The Irish Forge is a blacksmith shop that stood in County Fermanagh in the Irish province of Ulster, in what is now Northern Ireland. Like their farming customers in Ulster, blacksmiths and their skills immigrated to colonial America along with other Ulster Scots.

The Blacksmith
The eighteenth-century blacksmith was a businessman. Although the smith might be engaged in farming, his primary function in the local economy was his blacksmithing. An examination of the tools and furnishing on the Irish farm indicates the range of work performed by the rural smith. Around the kitchen hearth are such forged items as the crane, pot hooks, trammels, trivets, and perhaps a harnen stand. Flesh forks, spatulas, and skimmers hang from the crane. The smith crafted the fire tongs standing in the corner of the fireplace. He forged the hinges on the doors and meal ark. He produced the hardware supporting the table as well as the nails holding it together. Outside, the byre is filled with tools that include spades, hoes, and other iron implements. The iron parts of the cart, including the tires, were essential to the Irish farmer, as were the plow share and iron harrow teeth.

Just as important as the fabrication of new items was the repair of old ones. Much of the blacksmith's business was the repair of iron implements and tools. Harrow teeth needed sharpened, broken plow shares needed repaired. Cart tires wore out, and horses needed new shoes.

The blacksmith was somewhat of a metallurgist as well. He knew how hot to heat his iron for which application. Sometimes white hot was too hot and red hot was too cold. He had to know how to weld steel to iron and how to temper knives axes and chisels."

from Frontier Museum 3 4

Daniel married Mary McGOLDREN. (Mary McGOLDREN was born about 1755.)


1 Rootsweb, http://archiver.rootsweb.ancestry.com/th/read/CAMPBELL-IRISH/2000-09/0970172401.

2 GRO Scotland, Shotts 1862.

3 Internet Site, http://www.cotyroneireland.com/census/1766dungannon.html LDS Film 1279330 1766 Religious Census of Ireland transcribed by Teena.

4 Internet Site, http://www.frontiermuseum.org/exhibits/1700s-forge/.

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