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, Gilchrist 3rd Earl of Angus
(About 1150-After 1204)
Duncan 4th Earl of Angus
(About 1170-)
Malcolm 5th Earl of Angus
(About 1191-Before 1242)


Family Links

1. Unknown

Malcolm 5th Earl of Angus 1

  • Born: About 1191
  • Marriage (1): Unknown
  • Died: Before 1242 1

   User ID: K106.

  General Notes:

"MALCOLM, Earl of Angus, is not named in any of his father's charters, nor does he appear in any writ along
with his father, yet between the years 1214 and 1226 he confirms grants by his father, Earl Duncan, his grandfather, Earl Gilchrist, and his great-grandfather, Earl Gillebride, to the Abbey of Arbroath."

"The Earl appears in a charter by King Alexander II., of date 22 April 1231, as 'M., Earl of Angus '; on 7 October 1232 he is named as M., Earl of Angus and Katania, or Caithness, and again in 1236, while attending King
Alexander at Forres, he is in two charters described as simply Earl of Angus. It is probable, therefore, that there may be some truth in the suggestion that the ward and perhaps marriage of the heiress of Caithness was given
either by King William or Alexander n. to Earl Malcolm, who, after the death of John, Earl of Caithness, in 1231,
became Earl of Caithness in right of his wife. This may account for his calling himself in 1232 Earl of Angus and
Caithness. It seems probable also that finding himself unlikely to have male heirs, Earl Malcolm divested himself
of Caithness in favour of his uncle Magnus, son of Earl Gilchrist, on whom Alexander II. bestowed the earldom by charter. Earl Malcolm then reverted to his original designation as Earl of Angus. The subject is full of difficulty, but the plain meaning of all the charters quoted seems to point to this solution of the question. Earl Malcolm died before 1242, and was succeeded by his only daughter Matilda."

from Scots Peerage 1

Malcolm married.


1 e-books, The Scots Peerage ed. Sir James Balfour Paul vol. 1 (1904).

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