LUMSDEN, Janet 1
User ID: F226. Janet married James SKENE in Bandodle, laird of Wester Corse, son of Alasdair SKENE 9th of that Ilk and Agnes FORBES.1 (James SKENE in Bandodle, laird of Wester Corse was born in 1502 and died on 10 September 1547 in Battle of Pinkie Cleugh, near Musselburgh, Midlothian, Scotland 1.) Marriage Notes: "He (James Skene) married Janet Lumsden, daughter of Lumsden of Cushney; and, on 20th May, 1546, there is crown charter of confirmation 'Jacobo Skeyne in Bandodill et Jonete Lumsdein eius coniuge super cartam illis factam per Andream Fraser de Staneywood 13 Maij 1546 de toto et integro annuali feodo seu feudifirma Triginta quinque Mercarum sex solidarum et octo denariorum monete Scotie dicto Andreas heredibus suis et assignatis annuatim solvend. nomine feudifirme de totis et integris terris de Westercorse et Norham in parochia de Coule per honorabilem virum Willelmum Hurry de Pitfechie necnon superioritate diet, terrarum.' " (page 90) |
1 e-books, Memorials of the Family of Skene of Skene ed. William Forbes Skene (1887).
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