Family Links
1. Unknown
GORDON, John of Cairnfield
- Born: About 1606
- Marriage (1): Unknown
- Died: After 1658
User ID: J76.
General Notes:
John was the son of Mr William Gordon of Cairnfield, and was served heir to his father in the lands of Rothiemay May 7, 1633.
"1634, Nov. 13.- John Gordon 'of Cairnfield' was charged with others to appear before the Privy Council to give information anent the depredations 'latelie committed upon the Laird of Fendraucht, and of the authors, abbaters and houndars out of brokin men' to the committing of the same ('Privy Council Register,' 2nd series, vol. v., 407). He failed, however, to appear on December 16 (ibid, v., 442, 443), but turned up on Feb. 10, 1635, 'for obedience of the caution found be him to that effect.' The Council ordered him to attend the committee appointed for the examination of informers anent the disorders of the north, and not to remove till he be warranted by the Lords (ibid, v., 482-3)."
from Gordons of Cairnfield
John married.