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BETON (BETHUNE), John 2nd of Creich, Sir
(About 1495-)
HAY, Janet
(About 1495-)
BETON (BETHUNE), Robert 4th of Creich
(About 1518-)
(About 1527-)
BETON, Mary one of the 'Four Maries'
(About 1546-Before 1599)


Family Links

1. OGILVY, Alexander 4th of Boyne, Sir

BETON, Mary one of the 'Four Maries' 1

  • Born: About 1546
  • Marriage (1): OGILVY, Alexander 4th of Boyne, Sir 3 May 1566(contract) 1
  • Died: Before 1599 1

   User ID: Y380.

  General Notes:

"Mary was the eldest daughter of Robert Beton of Creich and his wife Jeanne Gresoner, from whom she inherited much of her personal attractiveness, her dark eyes and golden hair. She was not only a beauty but the possessor of a lively wit and a personal charm which fascinated all who met her. There is a picture
of her in the National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh (and another reputed to represent her at Cullen House, Banffshire ; in this latter she is depicted with dark brown hair and it in no way resembles the other portrait.) Mary
Beton went to France with her Royal Mistress in 1548 when about five years old, and she remained in attendance on the Queen - as one of her 'four Maries' - until she married.
In the 'Calendar of State Papers - Scottish Series,' there are several references to her. The first is in a letter from Thomas Randolph, English Ambassador, to Cecil, of date 1st April 1563.
'At this time the Queen knew nothing of the Grand Prior's death, nor was any man so 'hardie' as to let her know it- some thinking best to defer it, others to let her know all her sorrows at once. Mademoiselle Beton, both hardieste and wyseste, geve the first adventeur, as a thynge horde by my report, in good wordes humblye praying her majestie to tayke the workes of God with a meeke hart, and as myche as she myght, caste awaye her sorrowes.' "

from Paper by Alistair Tayler 1

Mary married Sir Alexander OGILVY 4th of Boyne, son of Sir Walter OGILVY 3rd of Boyne, Provost of Banff and Christian KEITH, 3 May 1566(contract).1 (Sir Alexander OGILVY 4th of Boyne was born about 1530 1 and died by 1601 1.)

  Marriage Notes:

"The name of the early castle on the rock was transferred to its successor, which was probably built by Alexander Ogilvie shortly after his marriage in 1566, to Mary Beaton, one of the Queen's ladies. The original contract of marriage is in the Register House, Edinburgh, dated 'the third day of May the year of God 1566, and is signed by Marie R. Henry R. Huntly, Bothwell, Atholl, James Stewart, Angus. Boyne. M. Bethune.' "

"By his wife, Mary Beton, Alexander Ogilvie had three sons: - (1) James, who succeeded to Boyne. (2) Andrew of Raggall. (3) Robert"

from Paper by Alistair Tayler 1


1 e-books, Transactions of Banffshire Field Club 1933 Ogilvies of Boyne: a paper presented by Alistair N. Tayler.

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