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LE GRANT, John 1st of Inverallan, Strathspey
(About 1270-About 1325)


Family Links

1. Unknown

LE GRANT, John 1st of Inverallan, Strathspey 1

  • Born: About 1270
  • Marriage (1): Unknown
  • Died: About 1325 1

   Other names for John were John The Grant 2 and GRANT, John chief of Clan Grant of Inverallan.3

   User ID: X926.

  General Notes:

"The friendship .... shown by Sir David Graham towards the Grants was continued by his son and successor, Sir Patrick Graham, who became Lord of Lovat before December 1298. Sir Patrick Graham appears to have been a prisoner in England for some time after 1304, but between 1315 and 1325 he executed various charters, to one of which, namely, the charter of the third of Altyre, already referred to, John le Grant was a party under special circumstances. To that document Sir Patrick Graham appends, along with his own seal, the seal of John le Grant, a proceeding which infers a high degree of intimacy, or that John le Grant had in some way an interest in the lands conveyed."

"From all these circumstances it may be concluded that of the two le Grants on record as present at Dunbar in April 1296, John le Grant at least was connected with Morayshire, and he may therefore have been a son, or more probably a grandson, of Laurence le Grant, the Sheriff of Inverness-shire. Of Robert le Grant, nothing further has been ascertained than what has been stated. He and John le Grant doubtless fulfilled their engagement to go abroad, but the latter alone is proved to have returned to Scotland."

"John le Grant, the subject of this memoir, has the distinction of being the first of his name who is known to have possessed lands in Strathspey."

"On 18th October 1316, William of Federeth, younger, a son or grandson of that William of Federeth who, between 1262 and 1294, married Christian of Moravia, a co-heiress of Freskin of Moravia, last of the old Lords of Duffus, acting as superior of the lands of Inverallan, confirmed to John le Grant a charter of sale of these lands. The charter confirmed is undated, but must have been granted in 1316. By it John of Inverallan, son of Gilbert, brother of Augustine, Lord of Inverallan, and heir of his uncle through the decease of Gilbert, alienated to John le Grant his whole land of Inverallan, namely, three davachs of land in all, to be held of the king for forensic service. John le Grant was then infeft in the lands, in which he was succeeded by his son Patrick..."

"Comparison of dates and other circumstances, however, lead to the conclusion indicated in this memoir, that the John Grant of 1297 is identical with John le Grant the first of Inverallan, who survived till about 1325, while a second John le Grant appears at a later date."

from Chiefs of Grant 1

  Research Notes:


" .... the name appears in Scotland in Morayshire as early as 1258, when a Sir Laurence Le Grant appears as Sheriff of Inverness, and it would appear that there were others of the same surname who must have resided for some time in Morayshire. Sir William Fraser also tells of John le Grant of Inverallan, and other Grants of Inverallan and Stratherrick, whom he places in chronological order, but without clearly stating or proving from which of them is descended the present principal family of Grant."

from Scots Peerage (vol 7) 4

John married.


1 e-books, The Chiefs of Grant vol. 1 by William Fraser (1883).

2 Internet Site, https://electricscotland.com/history/nation/cumming.htm The Scottish Nation: Cumming.

3 Michael McCarthy, A History of Their Making: The Cummings of Altyre (2020) (Grosvenor House Publishing, England, 2020), page 170.

4 e-books, The Scots Peerage ed. Sir James Balfour Paul vol. 7 (1910).

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