GRANT, Gregor ancestor of Grants of Gartinmore, Chamberlain to Grant of Freuchie
(About 1583-) |
GRANT, Gregor ancestor of Grants of Gartinmore, Chamberlain to Grant of Freuchie 1 2
Another name for Gregor was GRANT, George.3 User ID: G583. General Notes: "Contract matrimoniall betuix Mr. James Grant of Ardnelie, and Katherene Ros dochter to W""- Ros of Kilrawokis, at Kilrawokis the aucht day of Junii 1602 . . . the said Maister James Grant bindis him ... to sufficientlie infeft the said Katherene Ros ... in the liferent of his townis and laudis of Edinwillie and Kethak, with the myll thairof ... to be haldin be twa seueral iufeftments, the ane to be haldin of the said Mr. James himself, and the wther to be haldin of the said Mr. James his immediat superioris, to wit, of the airis of wmquhile Johne Erle of Athol Lord Balwenie . . . and in all and liaill the landis of the Kirktoun and Kirkhill of Keyth . . . to be haldin of my Lord of Spynie . . . For the quhilkis Mr. Wm. Ros of Kilrawokis bindis him to pay to the said Mr. James Grant in doit and tocher, the sowme of fywe thowsand merkis, guid and vsuall Scottis money . . . Befoir thir witnessis Hucheon Ros apperand of Kylrawokis, Hucheon Gray, Wm. Ros and Walter Ros seruitouris to the said Wm Ross of Kylrawokis, Thomas Hay burges of Elgin, Duncane Grant and George Grant sones to James Grant of Auchernik, and John Hay writer of the premissis." |
1 e-books, The History of the Province of Moray by Lachlan Shaw (1882).
2 e-books, The Clan Allan, the Grants of Auchernack and Burnside (at https://www.clangrant-us.org).
3 e-books, A Genealogical Deduction of the Family of Rose of Kilravock by Hew Rose and Lachlan Shaw (1848).
4 e-books, The Chiefs of Grant vol. 1 by William Fraser (1883).
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