© Copyright 2024 Mary McGonigal

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About 1782-1784

Birth in County Derry, Ireland. In his 5 February Declaration Peter refers to himself as 'born in County Derry and may be about thirty two years of age.

Before 1814

Occupation: same declaration states ‘he kept a shop in Ireland for several years but being unfortunate in business, he became a travelling merchant and he has since kept a public house in little dow hill" (Glasgow, Scotland where he was tried and sentenced) ’

About 1814

Marriage to Mary O'Hara: in 1816 Peter stated ‘it is two years since he married his present wife, Mary O’Hara. That they have no family..’  In Mary O’Hara’s statement  of 7 February 1816 ‘the Declarant has been only two years married to Patrick or Peter Quigly, and not thirteen as stated in her former Declaration. That it is thirteen years since the Declarant was married to her first husband, now deceased.’

1814 Spring or Summer

Edinburgh: referring to her sister Mary stated also ‘Kitty O’Hara came over from Ireland with the Declarant and her husband nearly two years ago, and lived with them in Edinburgh while they kept a broker’s shop there..’

1815 after Whitsun

Glasgow: Mary continued ‘and she (Kitty) came from thence with them when they removed to Glasgow a short time after last Whitsunday.’  In his statement Peter attempts to maintain he applied for a liquor licence. This seems to have been rejected by his interviewers and Peter then agrees that he ‘was some time ago fined by the Justices for selling liquor without a license. That the Declarant’s premises are situated in little dow hill, and consist of a small fore shop, and a room to the front, and of a small back closet, which has a door into the back close.’

1816 5 Feb

Peter or Patrick Quigly makes first statement in Glasgow before magistrate

1816 7 Feb

Peter or Patrick Quigly makes second statement before Glasgow magistrate

1816 3 May

Trial, Conviction and Sentencing of Peter alias Patrick Quigly and Mary O’Hara or Quigly at the High Court of Glasgow

1816 18 Aug

Peter Quigley received on to prison ship Justitia at Woolwich, England

1816 13 Sep

Mary O’Hara sails on Lord Melville convict ship for females

1816 9 Oct

Peter Quigly sails on Sir William Bensley for New South Wales

1817 24 Feb

Mary O’Hara arrives in Australia

1817 10 Mar

Peter Quigly arrives in Sydney New South Wales,  Australia, aboard the Sir William Bensley. This arrival is also recorded as April 1817 in Convict Lists and the master of the ship is noted as Williams


Peter's business recorded, in his absence, in Glasgow Directory as 'Quigley, Peter, spirit dealer’ at three different Glasgow addresses in same neighbourhood: in 1818 at 10 Bridgegate; in 1819 at 168 Saltmarket; and in 1820 at45 Stevenston Street, Calton

1818 17 July

Peter on list of prisoners to be sent to Newcastle per Lady Nelson


Mary O’Hara recorded as living off the stores and employed by Mr Gore

1820 13 Sep

Peter absent from Barrack cell for three days

1821 12 May

newspaper reports that Peter Quigly will no longer be responsible for debts in his wife’s name as she had deserted her family

1821 22 Sep

Mary O’Hara alias Quigley absconded from Sydney and supposed to living about the Devil’s Back.


Mary O’Hara working as servant to William Brown, petition for mitigation of sentence, Peter Quigly operating as a Dealer in Sydney on a Ticket of Leave.

1822 25 Feb-27Mar

Sydney Gazette reports Michael McDermot convicted by Court of Criminal Jurisdiction of stealing from Quigly’s dwelling house, sentenced to three years transportation

1822 Sep-1823 Sep

Peter on list of persons to whom convict mechanics have been assigned

1823 14 Apr-8 May

Sydney Gazette reports George Davey convicted by Court of Criminal Jurisdiction of receiving goods stolen from Quigley-22 pieces of calico & 1 braces

1823 15 Jul-1824 31 Dec

Peter listed on Colonial Fund statements

1824 June

Peter Quigley of Market Street, Sydney, advertises in newspaper the latest arrivals of goods he has for sale. Advertisements for his business all through 1820s sometimes at 10 Market Street sometimes at 72 Market Street, corner of Pitt Street, or 73 Pitt and Market Streets

1824 c. July

Peter listed on the account of rents received for assigned convict tradesmen for the three quarters ending 30 June


Peter had John Norris and Patrick Nowlan working for him

1825 17-31 Aug

Petition by Peter applying for emancipation

1825 11 Oct

Peter testifies to character of John Norris for mitigation of sentence

1825 14 Oct

Peter Quigley gives evidence at McCartney Napier trial reported in the Sydney Gazette

1825 Nov

Peter included in the list appearing in Sydney Gazette of people to be granted a conditional pardon.

1826 April

The Australian reports Peter Quigley charged with selling strong drink without licence


Mary O’Hara aged 45 years was housekeeper to Peter Quigley who also was about 45 years old; Peter recorded as a shopkeeper in Market Street and the owner of three horses; Peter recorded as Catholic and Mary as Protestant;  John Smithers working as a clerk for Peter

1828 1 Aug

Sydney Gazette reported prisoner called Veney (?) brought before police for robbery of items from Peter Quigley’s property the previous June; man was remanded in custody

1828 12 Dec

The Australian reported Peter Quigley as minor witness in Hart Bowman trial

1829 14 Mar

James, Ann and Jane Quigley, children of Peter Quigley, arrive, free, in New South Wales, aboard the vessel City of Edinburgh

1829 24 Apr

Ticket of Leave renewed for Peter Quigley

1829 2 & 4 May

The Sydney Monitor announces death of wife of Mr Peter Quigley, an industrious shopkeeper

1830 17 Feb

The Sydney Monitor reports Peter Quigley of Pitt & Market Streets asking those indebted to him to pay their accounts

1830 24 Apr

The Sydney Monitor reports P. Quigley’s sale of old stock and advertises new stock, latest arrivals from England

1830 1 May

The Sydney Monitor reports Quigley will begin trading on this date under 'Quigley & Son'

1830 3 May

Certificate of Freedom granted to Peter Quigley exactly 14 years after his conviction in Glasgow

1831 19 Feb

James Fraser, a life convict, granted permission to marry Ann Quigley, Peter’s daughter

1831 16 May

The Sydney Herald reported Mr Quigley of Market Street had been missing property for the last eight months; Mrs Quigley had discovered it was their assigned servant Peter Davies who was the thief.

1831 Sep-Oct

Peter & James Quigley to attend Supreme Court in King St regarding insolvency

1831 1 Nov

Peter & James Quigley lately of Pitt Street Sydney insolvency proceedings

1831 21 Nov

James Quigley, Peter's son, testified at  Sydney Supreme Court against Alexander Thompson, indicted for stealing a substantial amount from him in September of that year, while his father Peter Quigley was in Europe, in Ireland to be precise

1831 5 Dec

The Sydney Herald reported that [James]Fraser had been given bail: ‘On Thursday, Fraser, who was committed to take his trial for embezzling money and treasury bills belonging to Quigley, was admitted to bail by Judge Stephen, himself in 100L. and two sureties in 50L- each’

1831 7 Dec

The Sydney Monitor reported a statement by James Quigley, Peter's son, regarding a charge of embezzling made against James Frazer, a life convict, who was also the husband of Ann Quigley, Peter’s daughter and the sister of James


Peter was listed in The New South Wales Calendar and General Post Office Directory, 1832 as 'Quigley, Peter, Dealer, Pitt Street'

1834 15 Mar

Sydney Gazette advertises sale of Lot 88, a piece of land which was then or formerly belonging to Peter Quigley on two of its borders on the south side of Market St, Sydney

1834 25 Sep

Trustees of estate of Peter & James Quigley sell by auction four building allotments corner of Market & Kent Streets, Sydney

1836 1 Oct

Peter Quigley mentioned in Correspondence to Editors of The Sydney Herald


No employer named Peter or Patrick Quigly in the muster of that year.

1851 30 Mar

Census for Scotland records Peter Evans Quigley born Ireland, lodger in Mochrum, Wigtownshire, 'Dealer in hardware' aged 50 or 58 years (entry obscured), his wife Jane Evans Quigley aged 40 years, born Ireland.

1861 7 Apr

Census for Wigtown parish in Wigtownshire, Scotland record of a Peter Quigley, labourer, born in Ireland, living at West Side, Low Vennell, age is noted as 60 years.

1868 23 Feb

Peter Quigeley, pauper, dies in Wigtown parish, Scotland, of influenza, at a recorded age of 83 years, husband of Jane McCaffery

1868 7 Dec

Jane Quigeley MS McCaffery, pauper, widow of Peter, pauper, dies in Wigtown at recorded age of 73 years

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