© Copyright 2024 Mary McGonigal

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DECLARATION OF John Norval 10 February 1816

At Glasgow the tenth day of February eighteen hundred and sixteen years in presence of Robert Jamieson esquire one of the magistrates of said city

Appeared John Norval present prisoner in the Tolbooth of Glasgow who being examined Declared that he is between fourteen and fifteen years of age, and works with his father who is a combmaker to his business.

That the Declarant was apprehended in James Menzies public house in old wynd with John Smith, William Campbell, James Miller and Robert McKinlay now in custody about one o’clock of the morning of Friday the second current and has been since in confinement.

And being interrogated if the Declarant, by himself, or associated with the said Robert McKinlay or others, cut out a plane of glass in the shop window of William Ralston broker in Saltmarket one evening about the middle of last month and stole thereupon the six silver watches, now on the Court table attached to a label, and the six gilt seals also on the table and labelled? Declares that he had no concern in such a transaction and never before saw the said watches or seals.

That the Declarant indeed some weeks ago heard a story read from a newspaper about a theft of watches from a shop in Saltmarket but he knew nothing about it. That he now sees docquets written on the labels attached to the watches and seals, and subscribes the same in reference hereto and this Declaration written on these three pages being read over to the Declarant in presence of the Magistrate he adheres to the same as containing the truth and therefore subscribes each page along with the Magistrate place and date foresaid before these witnesses Andrew Simson clerk to Mr Richard Henderson one of the Town Clerks of Glasgow and James Gardner Keeper of the Tolbooth of Glasgow.

(signed) John Norval, Robert Jamieson witnesses: Jas. Gardner, And. Simson

In addition John Norval and Robert Jamieson have signed at the foot of every page of the written statement.

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© Copyright 2024 Mary McGonigal